Spread some joy in your street this Festive Season
1. Bring your neighbours together for an informal gathering, share a drink a nibble and celebrate your local connections -here’s four easy steps to make it happen! Download this invitation template in a holiday theme!
2. Do some Christmas baking and share it with your neighbours or invite people to bake together.
3. Reach out to people living alone and make them feel included. Invite them for a cuppa or drop in with your kids to deliver a hand-made Christmas card.
4. Create a street Christmas tree from a significant tree in your street or your front yard and encourage neighbours to add homemade decorations.
5. Front yard holiday movie night: Setup a TV, or projector; setup chairs and blankets; and have a holiday movie night. Families can bring a picnic dinner, drinks, and snacks.
6. Create a Message in a Teacup planter and gift to a neighbour. This creative community project was supported by Neighbourhood Connect this year and is helping people spread kindness, hope and inspiration to neighbours. Check it out and get involved at messageinateacup.org.

80 great ideas for building neighbourly connections.
Your neighbourhood is unique! What works in one street might not be suitable where you live so thankfully we have lots of great ideas here. Think about the type of people who live in your community, who you want to attract and what they might like to do. Download our big list of 80 ways to build neighbourly connection and contact us for more guidance on turning your street into a community!
‘How to’ guides
Need more inspiration? Try these ideas for fun events that bring neighbours together.

Disclaimer: The ideas and suggestions available on these pages are examples only. Individuals are responsible for taking adequate safety precautions, obtaining relevant permissions and observing any relevant laws or regulations related to their activities. Neighbourhood Connect takes no responsibility for the activities of neighbour groups.